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Silicon Audition: Concise BibliographyBetween 1983 and 1997, my research centered on Silicon Audition: the design of analog integrated circuits that model auditory neurophysiology, and the use of these circuits in engineering systems. This research was done in collaboration with many people at several institutions: as an undergraduate working with Paul Mueller at the University of Pennsylvania, as a graduate student working with Carver Mead and Dick Lyon at Caltech, and as a postdoctoral fellow and research scientist at UC Berkeley, working with John Wawryznek. Grants from the Office of Naval Research and the National Science Foundation funded the work at Berkeley. This web page is an concise reverse-chronological bibliography of my silicon audition research publications, including related work in analog circuit design. Links in references below lead to PDF versions of the papers; in some cases, the PDF isn't the exact publication, but a technical report covering the same material. An annotated bibliography is also available. Lazzaro, J. P., Wawrzynek, J. (1998). Speech recognition experiments with silicon auditory models. In Lande, T. S. (ed), Neuromorphic systems engineering : neural networks in silicon. Boston : Kluwer Academic.Lazzaro, J. P., Wawrzynek, J. (1997). Speech recognition experiments with silicon auditory models. Analog Integrated Circuits and Signal Processing, 13:1-2, 37-51. Lazzaro, J., Wawrzynek, J., Lippmann, R. P. (1997). A micropower analog circuit implementation of hidden markov model state decoding. IEEE Journal Solid State Circuits 32:8, 1200--1209. Lazzaro, J., Wawrzynek, J., Lippmann, R. P. (1997). Anawake: Signal-based power management for digital signal processing systems. CNS Group Internal Technical Report, UC Berkeley. Lazzaro, J. P., Wawrzynek J., and Lippmann, R. (1996). A micropower analog VLSI HMM state decoder for wordspotting. In Jordan, M., Mozer, M., and Petsche, T. (eds), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 9. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Lazzaro, J. P., Wawrzynek J. (1995). Silicon models for auditory scene analysis. In Mozer, M., Touretsky, D., and Hasselmo, M. (eds), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 8. Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Lazzaro, J. P. and Wawrzynek, J. (1995). A multi-sender asynchronous extension to the address-event protocol. In Dally, W. J., Poulton, J. W., Ishii, A. T. (eds), 16th Conference on Advanced Research in VLSI, pp. 158--169. Lazzaro, J. P., Wawrzynek, J., and Kramer, A. (1994). Systems technologies for silicon auditory models. IEEE Micro, 14:3. 7-15. [see IEEE Xplore] Lazzaro, J. P., and Wawrzynek, J. (1994). Low-power silicon axons, neurons, and synapses. In Zaghloul, M. E., Meador, J. L., and Newcomb, R. W., (eds) Silicon Implementations of Pulse Coded Neural Networks. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 153-164. Lazzaro, J. P., Wawrzynek, J., Mahowald., M., Sivilotti, M., Gillespie, D. (1993). Silicon auditory processors as computer peripherals. IEEE Journal of Neural Networks 4:3 523--528. Lazzaro, J. P., Wawrzynek, J., Mahowald., M., Sivilotti, M., Gillespie, D. (1993). Silicon auditory processors as computer peripherals. In Hanson, S., Cowan, J., and Giles C., (eds), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 5. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 820--827. Lazzaro, J. P. (1992). Low-power silicon spiking neurons and axons.IEEE International Symposium on Circuits and Systems, San Diego, CA, pp. 2220-2224. Lazzaro, J. P. (1992). Temporal adaptation in a silicon auditory nerve. In Moody, J., Hanson, S., Lippmann, R. (eds), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 4. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, pp 813--820. Horiuchi, T., Bair, W., Bishofberger, B., Moore, A., Koch, C., Lazzaro, J. (1992). Computing motion using analog VLSI chips - an experimental comparison among different approaches. International Journal of Computer Vision 8:3, 203-216. [see IEEE Xplore] Lazzaro, J. P., Schwaber, J., and Rogers, W. (1991). Silicon baroreceptors: modeling cardiovascular pressure transduction in analog VLSI. In Sequin, C. (ed), Advanced Research in VLSI, Proceedings of the 1991 Santa Cruz Conference, Cambridge, MA: MIT Press, pp. 163--177. Horiuchi, T., Lazzaro, J. P., Moore, A., and Koch, C. (1991). A correlation-based motion detection chip. In Lippman, R., Moody, J., Tourestzky, D. (eds), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 3. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, 406--413. Mead, C. A., Arreguit, X., and Lazzaro, J. P. (1991). Analog VLSI models of binaural hearing. IEEE Journal of Neural Networks 2: 230--236. [See IEEE Xplore] Lazzaro, J. P. (1991). Biologically-based auditory signal processing in analog VLSI. IEEE Asilomar Conference on Signals, Systems, and Computers, pp. 790-794. Lazzaro, J. P. (1991). A silicon model of an auditory neural representation of spectral shape. IEEE Journal Solid State Circuits 26: 772--777. Lazzaro, J. and Mead, C. (1990). Silicon models of auditory localization. In Zornetzer, Davis, and Lau (eds), An Introduction to Neural and Electronic Networks. New York: Academic Press, pp. 158--174. Lazzaro, J. and Mead, C. (1989). Circuit models of sensory transduction in the cochlea. In Mead, C. and Ismail, M. (eds), Analog VLSI Implementations of Neural Networks. Norwell, MA: Kluwer Academic Publishers, pp. 85-101. Lazzaro, J. and Mead, C. (1989). Silicon modeling of pitch perception. Proceedings National Academy of Sciences 86: 9597--9601. Lazzaro, J. and Mead, C. (1989). A silicon model of auditory localization.Neural Computation 1: 41--70. Lazzaro, J. (1989). Silicon Models of Early Audition. Ph.D. Thesis, Computer Science, California Institute of Technology, Caltech Computer Science Technical Report Caltech-CS-TR-89-10. By chapter: [Table of Contents (0)]   [Introduction (1)]   [Auditory Nerve Circuits (2)]   [Winner Take All Circuits (3)]   [Auditory Localization (4)]   [Pitch Perception (5)]   [Conclusions (6)]   [References (7)] Lazzaro, J., Ryckebusch, S., Mahowald, M. A., and Mead, C. (1988). Winner-take-all networks of O(n) complexity. In Tourestzky, D. (ed), Advances in Neural Information Processing Systems 1. San Mateo, CA: Morgan Kaufmann Publishers, pp. 703-711. Lazzaro, J., Ryckebusch, S., Mahowald, M. A., and Mead, C. (1988). Winner-take-all networks of O(n) complexity. Caltech Computer Science Technical Report Caltech-CS-TR-88-21. Lazzaro, J. (1989). anaLOG: A Functional Simulator for VLSI Neural Systems. Master's Thesis, Computer Science, California Institute of Technology, Caltech Computer Science Technical Report 5229:TR:86. Download the anaLOG software package here Mueller, P. and Lazzaro J. (1986). A machine for neural computation of acoustical patterns with applications to real-time speech recognition. In Denker, J. (ed), Neural Networks for Computing (Snowbird, Utah). American Institute of Physics Conference Proceeding 151, pp. 321-327. |
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