//    Sfront, a SAOL to C translator
//    Copyright (C) 2001 John Lazzaro
//    This file: Multi-sampled piano written in SAOL.
//    Maintainers's address: lazzaro@cs.berkeley.edu;
// This license covers also covers SASL file in this directory.
// This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
// it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
// the Free Software Foundation (Version 1, 1989).
// This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
// but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
// GNU General Public License for more details.
// You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
// along with this program; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
// the Free Software Foundation, Inc., 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

#include "/Users/lazzaro/work/class/mu209/lec/feb23/saol/samples/s.hs"
#include "/Users/lazzaro/work/class/mu209/lec/feb23/saol/samples/mf.hs"
#include "/Users/lazzaro/work/class/mu209/lec/feb23/saol/samples/h.hs"

global { 
  srate 44100; 
  krate 1050; 
  outchannels 2;

instr piano_proto (pitch, vel) preset 0 { 
  imports exports table SSET;
  imports exports table MFSET;
  imports exports table HSET;

  tablemap left_s(LEFT_S_MAP);
  tablemap right_s(RIGHT_S_MAP);
  tablemap left_mf(LEFT_MF_MAP);
  tablemap right_mf(RIGHT_MF_MAP);
  tablemap left_h(LEFT_H_MAP);
  tablemap right_h(RIGHT_H_MAP);

  imports exports table s_pitch;
  imports exports table mf_pitch;
  imports exports table h_pitch;

  ivar rel_time, full_scale, volume, stop, df;
  ivar split_lo_med, split_med_hi;
  ksig k, rel;
  asig pwave[2];
  asig i, snum, srem;

  // **********************
  // computed during i-pass
  // **********************

  rel_time = 0.200;
  full_scale = 0.1;  
  volume = full_scale*(vel/127);  // NoteOn velocity scales volume

  split_lo_med = 64;
  split_med_hi = 96;

  if (vel < split_lo_med)       // transposition constant
      df = tableread(s_pitch, pitch);   // low split
      stop = (ftlen(left_s[pitch]) 
	      - rel_time*df*s_rate - 2*(s_rate/k_rate));
      if (vel < split_med_hi)
	  df = tableread(mf_pitch, pitch);   //medium split   
	  stop = (ftlen(left_mf[pitch]) 
	      - rel_time*df*s_rate - 2*(s_rate/k_rate));
	  df = tableread(h_pitch, pitch);   // high split
	  stop = (ftlen(left_h[pitch]) 
	      - rel_time*df*s_rate - 2*(s_rate/k_rate));

  // **********************
  // computed during k-pass
  // **********************

  if (released && !rel)          // Add release time when NoteOff occurs
      rel = 1;
  if (rel)
      printf("still alive %f\n", itime);
  if (!rel && (k > stop))
      turnoff;   // Force NoteOff before we run out of sample to play

  k = k + (s_rate/k_rate)*df;

  // **********************
  // computed during a-pass
  // **********************

  if (vel < split_lo_med)       // waveform lookup
      // low split
      pwave[0] = tableread(left_s[pitch], i); 
      pwave[1] = tableread(right_s[pitch], i);
      if (vel < split_med_hi)
	  //medium split   
	  pwave[0] = tableread(left_mf[pitch], i); 
	  pwave[1] = tableread(right_mf[pitch], i);
	  // high split
	  pwave[0] = tableread(left_h[pitch], i); 
	  pwave[1] = tableread(right_h[pitch], i);
  if (!rel)    // Attack and sustain portion of note
  else        // Release envelope after NoteOff
      output(aline(volume, rel_time, 0)*pwave);

  srem = srem + df;
  while (srem > 1)
      snum = snum + 1;
      srem = srem - 1;
  i = snum + srem;     