From The sfront Reference Manual by John Lazzaro and John Wawrzynek.

Part II/3: Sfront Real-Time Operation



This chapter describes how to use sfront in stand-alone real-time applications.

We begin with basic sound playback, and show how to route audio output to a speaker under different operating systems.

We then describe real-time interaction, with a MIDI keyboard and with an audio input source.


Real-time Playback

Sfront can create C programs that send audio output directly to the sound card of a computer. The -aout command-line option is used to specify the hardware driver for audio output.

The right panel shows the currently supported hardware arguments to the -aout option, and describes an example program to test real-time playback.

If your hardware is not supported, use the -aout std command-line option to create a C program that places audio samples on standard output. When executing the program on the command line, pipe the output to a sound player that can drive the audio hardware.


Real-time programs come in two flavors: interactive and streaming.

Interactive programs create audio on the fly, in response to user input. These programs work best if the delay (or latency) from user input to audio output is as short as possible (2 ms is ideal, 10 ms is barely tolerable). However, if the latency is too short, audio output glitches may happen.

Short latency is not as important in audio streaming work. It is usually better to use longer latency values, to minimize the chances of audio output glitches. For some audio hardware, 20-40ms of latency is optimal for streaming; other hardware prefers latencies in the 200-400ms range.

Sfront chooses a default latency value, based on the nature of the SAOL program (interactive or streaming) and the type of audio hardware. The -latency command-line option overrides the default latency. Try setting the latency to a longer time value to minimize audio output artifacts.

Temporal modes

Sfront programs run under one of three temporal modes: render, playback, or timesync. These modes define a set of real-time behaviors, described on the right panel.

In most cases, the default temporal mode for an audio driver works well. Users can override the default behavior by adding the -render, -playback, or -timesync flag to the sfront command line.

Real-time audio drivers usually default to playback mode. Programs running in playback mode accurately compute audio output audio, as long as samples are being computed fast enough to keep the audio hardware supplied with data.

However, if the audio hardware is in danger of running out of samples, the decoder deviates from MP4-SA compliance, in an effort to maintain the sample stream. Once the danger of sample underrun has past, the decoder returns to accurate computation.

A SAOL program may also implement graceful degradation techniques directly, by monitoring the cpuload standard name and pre-emptively reducing CPU usage.

In contrast to playback mode, render mode computes an accurate rendition of the MP4-SA performance at all times. The file rendering audio drivers use render mode as the default, and always set cpuload to zero. When render mode is used with a real-time audio driver, cpuload updates to reflect the current CPU usage.

The timesync mode forces the program to use at least 1 ms of real time to compute 1 ms of audio, by temporarily halting program execution if audio is computing too fast. Timesync mode may be used to make an audio driver that is not real-time by nature (such as the -aout null dummy driver) to behave in a real-time fashion.

Under Linux ...

Under Linux, if the C program generated by sfront runs as root, audio glitches and dropouts are significantly reduced. The Linux features used in root mode are described in the sched_setscheduler man page.

We have tested sfront root mode carefully, and added special "watchdog" features to detect poorly written SAOL programs. However, any remaining bugs in sfront could have dangerous effects when the C files sfront creates are run as root. In particular, the machine could lock up, requiring a hard reboot, and files may be damaged as a result. Use this feature at your own risk.

Output Hardware Options

See reference section of
sfront manual for details on
using these options.

 option            Environment
-aout linux        Linux.

-aout coreaudio    Mac OS X 

-aout pa_win_wmme  Microsoft Windows
                   (WMME library).
-aout pa_win_ds    Microsoft Windows

-aout irix         SGI Irix.

-aout freebsd      FreeBSD.

-aout hpux         HPUX.

-aout std          Generic -- pipe
                   the output of 
                   the C program to  
                   a sound player app.

-aout null         Generic -- ignore
                   the output of the
                   the C program. 


contains a simple audio streaming
test. To run this test under Linux,
cd into aatest and type "make". 

To run aatest on other platforms, 
see the README file in the aatest
directory for details.

Temporal modes

The real-time behavior
of an sfront program
depends on the temporal
mode it uses. Sfront
sets the default mode to
fit the chosen drivers.
Use one of these options
to override the default:

 option       description
-render       Execute the SAOL
              program as 
              accurately as
              possible. Update
              the SAOL standard
              name cpuload if a
              real-time driver 
              is in use; set 
              cpuload to 0 if
              no real-time 
              drivers are in use.

-playback     Execute the SAOL
              program to keep
              up with real-time
              constraints, even
              if accuracy is 
              sacrificed. Update
              the SAOL standard
              name cpuload.

-timesync     Use the -playback 
              accuracy semantics.
              Also, force the 
              SAOL program to 
              take at least 1ms
              real-time to compute
              1ms audio. Use this
              flag with the null
              and std audio drivers
              to force real-time 

Real-Time Interaction

Sfront can create C programs that can accept real-time audio input (which is placed on the input_bus) and control input (which provides SASL and MIDI commands to drive the program). The type of interactive input is specified by choosing an audio input and control driver.

Audio Input

The -ain command-line option is used to specify the hardware driver for audio input.

The right panel shows the currently supported hardware arguments to the -ain option, and describes an example program to test real-time audio input. To reduce the time delay from input to output, use the -latency option to tune system performance.

If your hardware is not supported, use the -ain std command-line option to create a C program that reads audio samples from standard input. When executing the C program on the command line, pipe the output of a separate sound recording program into the C program.

Control Input

The -cin command-line option is used to specify the driver for control input. The right panel shows the control input drivers present in sfront.

Three drivers support real-time input from a MIDI In soundcard jack under Linux: the linmidi driver for OSS, the alsamidi driver for simple MIDI input under ALSA, and the alsaseq driver for the ALSA sequencer.

The coremidi driver supports MIDI input under Mac OS X (i.e. from a USB, Firewire, PCI or Cardbus slot). Virtual MIDI sources are not supported (yet).

The win32 supports soundcard MIDI In under Microsoft Windows, and should work with both WMME and DirectSound Windows audio drivers (but has not been tested).

Use the examples/rtime/linmidi program to test MIDI In performance under Linux. See the README in this example directory for details on using the example under Windows.

The ascii driver provides simple real-time MIDI input from an ASCII keyboard. The examples/rtime/ascii example program shows how to use this driver under Linux, Mac OS X, and other Unix variants.

The gliss driver is a platform-independent test driver for the control interface, and is used by the examples/gliss example.

OS X notes

The coreaudio driver uses the default audio devices specified in System Preferences.

If coreaudio is specified for both input and output, it is necessary that default input and output devices in System Preferences refer to the same device. To do this, use the Audio MIDI Setup utility to create an aggregate input/output device, and make the aggregate device the default in System Preferences.

Linux/FreeBSD notes

When used for interactive work, the Linux and FreeBSD audio drivers use the playback temporal mode by default, with a latency of 0.002 seconds. If audio artifacts are a problem, try increasing the latency time by using the -latency option.

The Linux and FreeBSD audio driver prints out suggestions for the best sfront flags to use for a particular SAOL program and control driver setup, at the start of execution of the C program generated by sfront. Read these instructions and re-run sfront for best results.

The linux audio driver detects if the C program generated by sfront is running as root, and uses special operating system features to reduce audio dropouts (see the man page for sched_setscheduler for details). Two root modes may be available for interactive use:

  • Playback mode, which always keeps the mouse and ASCII keyboard "alive." The C program may be terminated at any time via control-C. Playback mode is the default root mode.
  • Timesync mode, which disables mouse and alphanumeric keyboard input during use. Input is disabled once a NoteOn or NoteOff command is received via the MIDI In jack, and is restored 5 seconds after the last NoteOn or NoteOff command is received. Set this mode by using the -timesync sfront command-line option.

The Linux audio driver will print out the root modes available for a given control driver and SAOL program. Timesync mode offers superior quality over playback mode, but is only available in certain configurations.

We have tested sfront root mode carefully, and added special "watchdog" features to detect poorly written SAOL programs. However, any remaining bugs in sfront could have dangerous effects when the C files sfront creates are run as root. In particular, the machine could lock up, requiring a hard reboot, and files may be damaged as a result. Use sfront root mode at your own risk.

File Streaming

If sfront reads an MP4 file using the -bit option, it compiles score information into the sa.c file from the entire file (configuration and streaming sections). For MP4 files with large streaming sections, the generated sa.c may be too large to compile, or may run inefficiently.

The fstr control driver handles large MP4 files more efficiently. The driver opens the MP4 file during execution of the sa.c file, and inserts score information into the running decoder at the correct time. The -bitc option should be used with this driver, so that the streaming score information does not get compiled into the sa.c file:

sfront -bitc file.mp4 -cin fstr 
       -aout linux -playback
gcc -O3 sa.c -lm -o sa

The examples/claps example shows the fstr control driver in action. Use the:

make stream

command to demonstrate the driver. Note that this technique only helps for MP4 files with large streaming sections. If large amounts of score data are present in the configuration section, this method does not help the data-size problem.

Writing New Control Drivers

See Part II/1 for information on writing a control driver for sfront.

Audio Input Options

See reference section of
sfront manual for details on
using these options, including
the stability of each driver.

 option           Environment     
-ain linux        Linux.

-ain coreaudio    Mac OS X

-ain pa_win_wmme  Microsoft Windows
                  (WMME library).
-ain pa_win_ds    Microsoft Windows

-ain irix         SGI Irix.

-ain freebsd      FreeBSD.

-ain hpux         HPUX.

-ain std          Generic -- pipe
                  the output of 
                  the C program to  
                  a sound player app.

-ain null         Generic -- ignore
                  the output of the
                  the C program. 


contains a simple reverb system
that uses real-time audio input
and output. 

To run this test under Linux, 
cd into linain and type "make". 

To run aatest on other platforms, 
see the README file in the aatest
directory for details.

Control Input Options

See reference section of
sfront manual for details on
using these options, including
the stability of each driver.

 option       function     
-cin linmidi  uses the MIDI port
              of soundcards under
              Linux (OSS). Generates
              MIDI commands. 
-cin alsamidi uses the MIDI port
              of soundcards under
              Linux (ALSA). Generates
              MIDI commands.

-cin alsaseq  supports the ALSA 
              sequencer under 
              Linux, for more 
              sophisticated MIDI
              control than alsamidi.

-cin coremidi supports external MIDI
              input in Mac OS X.

-cin freebsdmidi   
              uses the MIDI port
              of soundcards under
              FreeBSD (pcm). Generates
              MIDI commands.
-cin ascii    maps the ASCII     
              keyboard as a  
              MIDI device. 

-cin gliss    plays piano      
              up uses MIDI
              control, down
              uses SASL.

-cin fstr     plays MP4 streaming
              packets from a file.

-cin win32    uses the MIDI port
              of soundcards under
              Windows. Generates
              MIDI commands.

Plug-in Development

Sfront can be used to build AudioUnit plug-ins for use on Mac OS X. AudioUnit plug-ins can be run inside popular commercial applications, such as Ableton Live, Logic, GarageBand, and Final Cut Pro.

Sfront can create AudioUnits that act as virtual instruments that are controlled via a MIDI stream (MusicDevice AU type), in-line audio signal processors (Effect AU type), and signal processors that also receive a MIDI control stream (MusicEffect AU type).

The right panel shows the sfront command line options related to AudioUnits.

This chapter of the MP4-SA book provides details on how to use sfront to create AudioUnits.

AudioUnit command-line options

To create an MusicDevice AU (type aumu):

-aout audiounit -cin aucontrolm

An Effect AudioUnit (type aufx):

-aout audiounit -ain audiounit -cin aucontrol

A MusicEffect AudioUnit (type aumf):

-aout audiounit -ain audiounit -cin aucontrolm

To activate debug mode, use -aout audiounit_debug 
in lieu of -aout audiounit.


To set the AU subtype and manufacturer fields:

-au_component_subtype Hiss
-au_component_manu ucBe

To set the manufacturer prefix for 
the bundle ID string:

-au_manu_url edu.berkeley.eecs

To set the AU bundle name:

-au_filesystem_name hiss

Name and manufacturer strings in the user-interface:

-au_ui_name "Inline Noise Generator"
-au_ui_manu "John Lazzaro, UCB EECS"


To set the bundle name of a Cocoa UI view:

-au_view_bundlename Filter

To set the name of the class in the UI view
that implements the AUCocoaUIBase protocol:

-au_view_baseclass Filter_ViewFactory

See this book chapter for more details on AudioUnit development.

Next section: Part I/4: Command Line Options


Copyright 1999 John Lazzaro and John Wawrzynek.